Wednesday, February 16, 2011


5 minute warm ups. charcoal with a brand spankin' new eraser. i felt rich!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

snip snip

I enjoy the sound of sheer scissors, the shutter of a camera, the second of silence when you drive under a bridge in the rain.

I find myself constantly trying to push my comfort zone. But there was one thing I couldn't get myself to do- cut my hair short. Fear always changed my mind. Will I feel beautiful without it? Will I look like a boy? What if my head shape is awful?

I couldn't take it anymore. I called a salon to see if they had an opening that day. I hated the fact that I used my hair as a security blanket. I asked for courage and it showed up.

'With courage, we can defy danger.
To increase power, increase humility'

.. it is also a time for caution because the foolish will eventually try something too great for them to handle. Pride and passion will lead to their downfall. (Deng Ming Dao)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Figure Drawing

Foreshortening is intimidating. Charcoal and Ink.

Golden Gate Bridge

We biked from the Wharf to the Marin side of the bridge (and back) in 2 hours. Just in time for cocktail hour!